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Por La Nacion � Rio de Janeiro

07/12/2023 03h30 Atualizado 07/12/2023

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Consumir os chamados frutos secos � um dos grandes imperativos para manter vitais as fun��es do corpo. Suas variedades e?? propriedades nutricionais s�o diversas e funcionam como escudo contra o desenvolvimento de doen�as e garantem a longevidade das pessoas. Dentro?? desta fam�lia, um dos mais importantes � o amendoim. Embora geralmente associado a uma fruta seca porque �sua concentra��o de?? gordura � maior que a de leguminosas secas como a ervilha e porque cont�m menor propor��o de prote�nas e carboidratos�,?? segundo a nutricionista Natalia Antar, a verdade � que �botanicamente � uma leguminosa porque cresce em uma vagem�, explicando que?? essa semente se desenvolve no subsolo dentro de uma casca lenhosa: quando a flor desta planta murcha,audit pokerstarsvagem se?? curva para baixo, enterrando-se a aproximadamente cinco cent�metros do solo.

Cigarro: parar de fumar reduz risco de diabetes em 40%, diz?? OMSCovid-19: minist�rio orienta dose extra da vacina bivalente para idosos e grupos de risco diante de nova variante

� a semente?? de uma leguminosa chamada Arachis hypogaea, nativa do Peru e com aproximadamente 8.000 anos. Registros arqueol�gicos estimam que a popula��o?? ind�gena daquela �poca utilizava o amendoim como moeda e para fins culin�rios. Com a chegada dos espanh�is ao territ�rio sul-americano,?? o amendoim ultrapassou as fronteiras e desembarcou na Europa e na �frica. Hoje, os maiores produtores do mundo s�o a?? China e a �ndia. Quanto � semeadura, inicia-se no final da primavera e estende-se at� o outono.

Em rela��o �s suas?? propriedades, o amendoim destaca-se por ser um alimento nobre e completo a n�vel nutricional. Importante fonte de gorduras monoinsaturadas, fibras,?? vitaminas e antioxidantes, �seu consumo demonstrou melhorar a fun��o cognitiva e a resposta ao estresse�, menciona Antar. Al�m disso, �protege-nos?? de eventos cardiovasculares e proporciona saciedade�, acrescenta a nutricionista.

O seu consumo � uma excelente op��o para um lanche ??ou combinado?? em diferentes prepara��es culin�rias, por exemplo numa salada.

Os benef�cios do amendoim

O amendoim � um superalimento cujo consumo proporciona importantes benef�cios?? nutricionais que, poraudit pokerstarsvez, promovem uma sa�de ideal. A C�mara Argentina do Amendoim garante que foi classificado desta forma?? devido �audit pokerstarsalta concentra��o de nutrientes em uma pequena por��o e aos benef�cios � sa�de associados ao seu consumo?? frequente.

Embora seja rico em calorias, �100 gramas de amendoim fornecem cerca de 567 calorias�, revela Antar, esta condi��o n�o prejudica?? o seu car�ter saud�vel. Nesse sentido, Julio Bragagnolo, m�dico e chefe da unidade de Nutri��o e Diabetes do Hospital Ramos?? Mej�a, na Argentina, incentiva as pessoas a n�o terem medo deles.

�Esses alimentos t�m uma densidade cal�rica significativa, o que gera?? certos receios na popula��o que tem medo de ganhar peso ao com�-los. Por�m, s�o muito nutritivos�, afirma.

1) Reduz o colesterol

O?? amendoim ajuda a reduzir o colesterol ruim (LDL) no sangue, o que pode ajudar a melhorar a sa�de do cora��o.?? A presen�a de gorduras monoinsaturadas e compostos como �cidos fen�licos, polifenois e flavonoides colaboram na absor��o do colesterol proveniente dos?? alimentos e evita que ele se deposite nas paredes das art�rias. Al�m disso, o portal Medical News Today destaca que?? o amendoim � um alimento rico em arginina, amino�cido que promove a circula��o sangu�nea, reduz a press�o arterial e, por?? padr�o, previne doen�as card�acas.

2) Equilibra o a��car no sangue

O Medical News Today aponta que o amendoim � um excelente alimento?? para pessoas com diabetes ou em risco de sofrer da doen�a, pois cont�m baixo �ndice glic�mico. Desta forma, seu consumo?? n�o gera aumento repentino da glicemia. Al�m disso, a fibra presente no amendoim � cada 100 gramas cont�m 8,5 gramas?? desse nutriente � retarda a digest�o, aumenta o tr�nsito intestinal, previne a constipa��o estomacal e melhora a sa�de do c�lon.

Consumir?? amendoim na quantidade certa tamb�m beneficia pessoas com sobrepeso porque a fibra proporciona saciedade por muito tempo. Isso evita a?? fome e os consequentes lanches, explicam os especialistas consultados.

3) Poderoso antioxidante

V�rios minerais s�o abundantes no amendoim, entre eles pot�ssio, f�sforo,?? magn�sio, c�lcio e zinco, al�m de vitaminas do complexo B e E. Destaca-se tamb�m a presen�a de compostos fen�licos, subst�ncias?? que protegem as c�lulas de subst�ncias nocivas, radicais livres, danos oxidativos e envelhecimento prematuro. Todos esses nutrientes tamb�m melhoram as?? fun��es vitais do corpo: os sistemas imunol�gico, cognitivo, muscular e �sseo.


O Medical News Today recomenda consumir amendoim cru com casca?? inclu�da, pois esta parte se caracteriza por conter maior presen�a de antioxidantes, destaca o relat�rio da entidade. Questionado se existe?? uma quantidade estipulada de consumo di�rio de amendoim, Antar comenta que em termos gerais sugere-se pelo menos uma por��o de?? cerca de 30 gramas por dia sem sal, sem frituras e sem adi��o de a��cares. Em qualquer caso, esclarece que?? este n�mero pode variar de acordo com diversos fatores espec�ficos de cada pessoa como altura, peso e tipo e estilo?? de vida.

Risco de infec��o: do arroz ao ovo, os 4 alimentos que n�o devem ser requentadosVeja tamb�m: Anvisa identifica agrot�xicos?? acima do permitido em 25% dos alimentos de origem vegetal

Outra forma saud�vel de consumir esse alimento � por meio da?? manteiga de amendoim, alternativa que recentemente ganhou grande relev�ncia entre pessoas que se preocupam com os cuidados pessoais e tamb�m?? entre quem busca, por exemplo, uma op��o diferenciada para cozinhar e substituir doces leite. O que chama a aten��o �?? o seu alto aporte de prote�nas vegetais, essenciais para o correto desenvolvimento e repara��o da massa muscular. Dados do portal?? Medical News Today detalham que duas colheres de sopa desse alimento fornecem 7,02 gramas dessa prote�na.

O �leo de amendoim �?? outra variante que tamb�m se tornou popular para uso culin�rio. No entanto, �embora os �leos de nozes sejam uma boa?? fonte de nutrientes saud�veis, carecem de fibras, que se perdem quando os alimentos s�o decompostos�, diz Bragagnolo, mencionando que, ao?? cozinhar, este tipo de �leo, ao contr�rio dos vegetais, responde de uma forma diferente. �Eles podem ficar amargos se forem?? aquecidos demais�, diz o especialista.


Embora existam diversas virtudes nutricionais, Bragagnolo desaconselha o consumo de amendoim glaceado � com a��car �?? ou mergulhado em chocolate. Al�m disso, alerta que muitas vezes essas sementes tamb�m possuem adi��o de sal, nestes casos, sugere?? que indiv�duos com press�o alta evitem seu consumo. �Como princ�pio geral, quanto mais natural for o amendoim, melhor�, enfatiza a?? nutricionista.

Al�m disso, quem tem predisposi��o a sofrer de alergias alimentares deve ter um cuidado especial com a ingest�o do amendoim,?? pois geralmente cont�m prote�nas chamadas arachina e conarachin que podem causar diversas rea��es no organismo. �A alergia ao amendoim �?? uma das causas mais comuns de ataques al�rgicos. Algumas de suas manifesta��es s�o rea��es cut�neas, sensa��o de formigamento na boca?? e na garganta, problemas digestivos e falta de ar�, lista Antar. Essas rea��es, especifica a nutricionista, podem ocorrer poucos minutos?? ap�s a exposi��o ao alimento.

�A alergia ao amendoim ocorre quando o sistema imunol�gico identifica erroneamente as prote�nas deste alimento como?? prejudiciais. Em seguida, libera subst�ncias qu�micas que causam sintomas na corrente sangu�nea�, explica Antar. Essas rea��es podem ocorrer por diferentes?? raz�es. �A causa mais comum de alergia ao amendoim � o contato direto: quando ele � consumido em seu formato?? original, por meio de outros alimentos que contenhamaudit pokerstarspresen�a ou pela exposi��o na pele�, afirma Antar.

Outra forma de desencadear?? uma alergia � atrav�s do contato cruzado, que se refere � �introdu��o involunt�ria de amendoim em determinado produto alimentar�, afirma?? a nutricionista. Pode at� se manifestar �pela inala��o de poeira ou aeross�is que contenham amendoim�, acrescenta Antar.

Este alimento � mais?? uma op��o dentro da grande variedade de produtos saud�veis. A vantagem � que ele est� dispon�vel o ano todo e?? quem n�o gosta de com�-lo sozinho pode mistur�-lo nas refei��es.

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    Rui Ferreira, known on PokerStars as �RuiNF�, has worked his way up from humble results

    at small stakes to become?? one of the most successful and prolific online poker players

    in the world.

    He�s also one of the most successful SCOOP?? players of all time, with five

    titles to his name and a number of six figure results. Here we take?? a detailed look at

    Rui �RuiNF� Ferreira; the person, the player, and the achievements.

    Who is Rui �RuiNF�


    Name: Rui Ferreira

    D.O.B:?? March 2. 1992

    Birthplace: Porto, Portugal


    online since: February 2010

    Number of tournament cashes: 9,076 (Mar. 2024)

    Online poker

    tournament earnings:R$13,761,450 (Mar. 2024)

    Rui?? �RuiNF� Ferreira has made an

    astoundingR$13.7 million in online poker winnings. He is currently ranked the number

    one player in?? Portugal, and number two in the world (Mar. 2024).

    Ferreira�s career has

    gone from strength to strength. He�s something of a?? people�s champion, a player who has

    climbed his way up through the stakes over the course of a decade.

    Ferreira started

    ?? playing poker in 2010, grinding micro and low stakes tourneys and occasionally catching

    a break with four-figure wins. By 2011,?? he was regularly taking down MTTs for big

    scores, and since then his career has reached dizzying heights.

    Ferreira has made?? the

    majority of his earnings on PokerStars, but also plays on several other popular online

    poker sites. Here are his?? known usernames:

    Rui Ferreira usernames:



    SirRuinF ( (

    Rui Ferreira


    CrushTheBeasT (America�s Cardroom)

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    Pass123 (Winamax)


    poker achievements and accolades

    In February 2024,?? Ferreira claimed his spot in the

    PocketFives worldwide rankings as a top five player for the first time. By March?? 2024,

    he had reached second in the world rankings. WithR$13.7 million in online cashes, he is

    also 15th on the?? all-time money list.

    Ferreira won his first SCOOP title in 2014, which

    was his first title in any PokerStars series. Since?? then, he has since claimed titles

    in the WCOOP, Turbo Series, Blowout Series, and Bounty Builder Series.

    Rui Ferreira has

    always?? shown particular excellence in SCOOP, winning five titles in his career. Here�s

    a list of Ferreira�s accolades:

    SCOOP titles: 5

    WCOOP titles:?? 2

    Bounty Builder Series:


    Turbo Series: 1

    Blowout Series: 1

    B reakdown of major results

    One of greatest SCOOP

    players of all time

    Ferreira�s achievements?? in SCOOP really stand out on his record.

    He�s had a total of five titles, with four of those coming?? in the last few years. His

    is one of the greatest SCOOP players of all time.

    Ferreira won his first SCOOP?? event in

    2014 in the 08-H:R$700 Heads-Up event, earningR$92,242, which back then provided a

    substantial boost to his career earnings.

    It?? wasn�t until 2024 that Ferreira picked up

    another SCOOP title. This time he bagged two in one year, first taking?? down the

    17-H:R$2,100 FLHE event forR$48,271, and then following up with a huge win in the

    30-H:R$2,100 6-max forR$201,642.

    By this?? time, Ferreira had already proven beyond doubt

    that he was one of online poker�s top players. In 2024, he earned?? another double,

    winning theR$2,100 FLHE forR$49,458, and then locking up one of his biggest scores of

    all time �R$235,552 in?? the 45-H:R$5,200 High Roller.

    Although titles are the easiest

    measure of a player�s success in a series, some of Ferreira�s biggest?? scores in SCOOP

    come from final table finishes that weren�t first place including; a second place

    finish in the special?? edition Super Tuesday forR$192,516; a fourth place finish in

    theR$25k High Roller forR$260,719; and a second place finish in the?? special edition

    Sunday HR forR$201,642.

    In 2024, Ferreira was crowned SCOOP player of the year without

    even winning a title. He?? did this by cashing more than 100 times and making nine final

    tables, and his top three cashes alone totaled?? nearlyR$300k.

    If Ferreira plays in SCOOP

    2024, he�ll be well in the mix for another title or two.


    Rui Ferreira is a

    ?? two-time WCOOP champion. In 2024, he won theR$215 Big Ante event forR$59,904. In 2024,

    he got his second title with?? a win in theR$1,050 FLHE 6-max forR$23,897.

    Both of these

    are relatively small wins for Rui Ferreira, and the results understate?? his presence in

    WCOOP events. In recent years, Ferreira has thrived on the WCOOP circuit, earningR$127k

    for second place in?? a PKO event in 2024, andR$146k in the 8-Game High Roller in 2024,

    along with a string of five figure?? results.

    Other series

    Ferreira has said himself that

    he usually targets bigger series like WCOOP and SCOOP. He does, however, have several

    ?? titles to his name from other series, such as a 2024 Turbo Series win worthR$81,474.


    2024, Rui Ferreira earned a?? big double in the Bounty Builder Series, coming first in

    Event 078 forR$20k, and winning Event 161 forR$23k. True to?? his style of picking up

    accolades, Ferreira was also the player with the most KOs in the series. He cashed?? 34

    times, knocked out 253 hopefuls, and madeR$130k in bounties.

    2024 started with a bang

    for Ferreira. He won the Blowout?? Series 18-H:R$2,100 PKO on New Year�s Day forR$67k

    and, less than two weeks later, followed up with a second place?? finish in theR$10,300

    High Roller forR$202k.

    Outside of the major poker series, Rui �RuiNF� Ferreira is also

    a regular winner in?? the High Roller Club and major weekend tournaments.

    Rui Ferreira

    top online poker results

    Rui Ferreira is a true high roller. His?? top online poker

    results come from events with buy-ins fromR$5k toR$25k. All five are worth more

    thanR$200k each. Ferreira�s top?? scores are all quite recent, showing his rise to the

    top over the last few years. 2024 has already been?? a fantastic year for the Portuguese


    When we look at Ferreira�s top scores on PokerStars, four of five come from?? SCOOP.

    Ferreira has won most of his major titles in SCOOP, as well as picking up some of his

    biggest?? wins from lucrative final table finishes. All five of Ferreira�s top scores on

    PS come from High Roller tourneys.

    Rui Ferreira?? live poker record

    According to Hendon

    Mob, Rui Ferreira has made overR$1.2 million in live poker winnings. Upon closer

    examination, a?? large chunk of this amount comes from the 2024 live events which were

    held online, such as EPT Online and?? WPT World Online Championships.

    When it comes to

    true live events, Ferreira had a particularly decent run at the EPT Barcelona?? in 2024,

    where he came eighth in theR$100k event forR$261k, and ninth in theR$50k event


    Although Rui Ferreira has a?? decent live record, he is very much an online

    poker specialist.

    More about Rui �RuiNF� Ferreira

    Here we take you through highlights

    ?? of Rui �RuiNF� Ferreira�s recent success. His online poker career has been gaining

    momentum for over a decade, but in?? the last few years he�s gained enough steam to

    challenge the true elite.

    Ferreira�s second SCOOP title of 2024 series: Rui?? Ferreira

    wins the SCOOP High Roller forR$224k, his second title of the series and fifth SCOOP

    title of all time.

    Bounty?? Builder Series title and HRC scores � Another heater of a

    weekend for Rui Ferreira, who took down his second?? Bounty Builder and followed up with

    several scores in the High Roller Club. Ferreira is showing himself as a regular?? winner

    and major competitor to the throne of online poker�s top player.

    Huge double score for

    Ferreira � Two wins in?? one weekend for Portugal�s number one player. Ferreira wins the

    Bounty Builder 161, then follows it up with a second?? place finish in the Sunday HR. The

    total for both final table results is overR$85k.

    Ferreira claims most KOs in BBS?? �

    Ferreira picked up two Bounty Builder Series titles in the 2024 series. He also managed

    to knock out the?? most opponents, earning himself huge bounty totals.

    2024 SCOOP player

    of the year � He�s won five SCOOP titles over the?? years. In 2024, despite not managing

    to lock up a first place finish, Ferreira won player of the year with?? nine final tables

    and over 100 cashes. Find out more in this interview.

    First Blowout Series title �

    Ferreira started off?? the year in style with a New Year�s Day victory in the Blowout

    Series, picking up loads of bounties along?? the way in the PKO event. It was a fitting

    start to what has been a very lucrative 2024 for?? the Portuguese pro.

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